VIA Publications
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First principles
The Principle of Normalisation (O'Brien and Tyne)_£ 4.50
This short and straightforward description of the Principle of Normalisation has become a 'standard work' on the subject. It's an excellent introduction, ideal for students and service workers on its own or to accompany a training course. (1981)
The Principle of Normalisation (Wolfensberger)___£ 15.95
The Principle of Normalisation, as promoted by VIA and generally endorsed in the UK, is based on the work of Wolf Wolfensberger. For readers in search of a full explanation of the theory - and who are willing to make the effort - this book provides the authoritative account. (1972)
The Origin and Nature of our Institutional Models___£ 12.95
A classic work from Wolfensberger which examines the perceptions and beliefs which led to the setting up of the institutions. With illustrations. (1975)
A brief introduction to Social Role Valorisation___£ 8.50
During the early 1980s Wolfensberger re-framed and developed his work on normalisation as Social Role Valorisation (SRV). A good, medium length explanation of SRV theory from its originator. (1991)
Everybody's ethics___ £ 3.25
Originally a response to a much-publicised court case, Ann Shearer's discussion of the questions raised by the raised by the birth of a child with disabilities, and by our society's response, remains topical and challenging. (1984)
The 'Myths Leaflet'___ £ 1.50 for 10
Highlights and deals with some of the most common misconceptions about people with learning difficulties, with the assistance of cartoons by Louis Hellman. Suitable for any reader and a very useful aid to public education.
What is Community Care?___ £ 1.00 for 4
A 12-page pamphlet dealing with some common questions about community care for people with learning difficulties. Suitable for a wide readership, but particularly aimed at non-specialists professionals and politicians.

Home Page Index
Page last updated 21/11/95